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您的位置: 首页 > 供应 > 有色金属 > > 含铜废料



  • 当 前 价: 电议
  • 供货总量: 1000.0吨
  • 所 在 地: 其它 欧洲 比利时
  • 发布日期: 2018-07-12
  • 有效期至: 2019-01-08
  • sanometal
  • 联系人:王 先生
  • 电话:
  • 手机:
  • 地址:上海 上海


Sano Metal是一家成立于20世纪80年代的家族企业,总部位于安特卫普港附近,目前已成长为一家秉承着“保持资源永续利用”为座右铭的创新型回收公司。


Sano Metal 主要从事黑色金属,有色金属,废电缆等产品的收集和处理业务,并与相关行业的企业合作,而非传统的金属企业。我们拥有精湛的技术人员,先进的生产设备和专业的测量仪器,可以检测出任何金属,并且能够使这些废料实现循环使用。我们的全面认证服务可以确保您享受到专业可靠的金属废料处理体验。


公司平均每月处理 铜类废金属 1500吨,包括光亮铜,铜米粒,一号铜,二号铜,黄杂铜,水箱铜等。铝类2000吨,包括生铝,熟铝,6063铝,铝切片等。混合废金属5000-6000吨,包括含铜电缆,马达,变压器,汽车切片,破碎马达,废五金等


过去的这些年里,Sano Metal在对传统市场进行创新的同时,也将服务延伸到全球。创新不仅让Sano Metal变得更加专业,也带来了一些改变。但始终不变的是我们与客户保持的良好合作关系。未来,Sano Metal也将会一直为您提供全面的废料管理服务。




Sano Metal is family business founded in the 1980s, located near the port of Antwerp and has since grown into an innovative recycling company where the motto Keep continuous usages of resources is still being adhered to.


Sano Metal is the partner for who thinks beyond the removal of metals for the collection and processing of metal-bearing waste streams.Our activities are focused on the collecting and processing of ferrous, non-ferrous metals, cable remnants and related products. Owing to the skilled personnel, advanced production and special measuring equipment,  we can test every alloy to give the waste a second life . Our fully certified services will assure you a professional and reliable handling of your metal-containing waste experience.


our company will process 1500mts copper-containning waste , 2000mts aluminum-containing waste ,and 5000-6000mts mixed scrap metals per month , including: bare bright , cupric grain , candy , birch ,brass, ocean, tense , taint tabor , 6063 alu ,  zorba ,cable , motor scrap , compressor ,zorba , etc .


In the past few years ,Sano Metal has been processing towards the traditional market ,but in the meanwhile our  service has been extended to the globe.  Innovation makes us more professional, and also involves some changes . But what does not change is our familiar relationship with the customer. We will continually provide a total service for your waste management.









Dear clients, here are our common cargo:


1: 铜类 Copper:

一号铜Candy,二号铜Birch/Cliff,黄杂铜Brass/Honey,光亮铜Bare bright,铜米粒Copper particles,黄铜水箱OCEAN,铜铝水箱TALK




生铝Tense,熟铝Taint Tabor,铝切片 Aluminum Slices,汽车切片Zorba,7系列铝7 Series Aluminum,铝箔Aluminum Foil,易拉罐铝Aluminum Cans



3:废五金类 Mixed Metal Scrap:

马达Mixed Motor Scrap,转子 Rotor,定子Stator,破碎马达Shelmo,变压器Transformers,废五金 Mixed Metal Scrap,含铜电缆Copper Cable



笔记本电脑LaptopLCD 液晶屏LCD screenLCD/LED液晶显示器LCD/LED liquid crystal display,电源盒power supply box,电路板circuit board,通讯设备communication equipment




304, 316 不锈钢304, 316 stainless steel模具钢die steel,特种镍钢 special nickel steel,镍nickel,镍铜nickel copper,铅lead,锌zinc












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